The demand for natural landscaping is growing, and that’s great news! We’re thrilled that more and more people are interested in ecologically sound landscaping practices. But the term “natural landscaping” isn’t strictly defined, and there can be some confusion about what it means in practice. So, we wanted to take a moment to define what natural landscaping means at Our Land Organics.
As Halloween approaches, we’re thinking about all things spooky. First on the list? Invasive species. Read this post to learn some scary stats about invasive plants plus several strategies to help restore native ecosystems.
For decades, the typical approach to fall leaf management has been off-site removal. But with more and more research pointing to the benefits fall leaves add to landscapes, it appears there may be an easier way to keep our yards and gardens clean in the fall. Here, we’ll explain our ecological approach to leaf management—both what we do and why we do it.
Burning Bush is an imported plant and one of the most popular landscape shrubs in American gardens. Unfortunately, it has demonstrated a great ability to escape cultivation and invade native woodland areas, out-competing understory natives and hampering biodiversity. Read this post to learn why Burning Bush is a problem for local ecosystems plus several native plant alternatives that offer similar functions in the landscape while supporting pollinators and wildlife.
The Nursery at Our Land Organics is having a native plant sale! All plants are 20% off through 11:59 pm on Monday, September 16. Our entire selection of native plants is grown organically without the use of neonicotinoids. Read this post for more details!
Rainwater management and yard drainage is an issue in many Cincinnati yards. Learn more about how to solve this problem using a variety of different ecological landscaping approaches.
We may look back at the spring of 2020 as that time we were all quarantined, but we might also remember that we had the opportunity to experience every moment of a new growing season. Get outside and connect with nature using this guide to your yard’s spring cleanup.
What is permaculture? Learn the core permaculture principles that inform permaculture garden design and explore how permaculture can help steer your yard towards a lower maintenance, beautiful, and productive future!